Some time we need to perform some heavy task which can't be run on main ui thread.
To solve this problem we use threads , async task.
If we want to update the UI from background thread, simple way to achieve this is to user runOnUiThread.
below is the code which call sweet alert from the background thread
To start the background thread.
To solve this problem we use threads , async task.
If we want to update the UI from background thread, simple way to achieve this is to user runOnUiThread.
below is the code which call sweet alert from the background thread
appCompatActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { new SweetAlertDialog(appCompatActivity, SweetAlertDialog.ERROR_TYPE) .setTitleText("Oops...") .setContentText(error) .show(); } });
To start the background thread.
new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { uiAlerts.UIshowProgress(); try { uiAlerts.UIhideProgress(); uiAlerts.UIshowSuccess("Data sucessfully synced"); }catch (Exception e) { uiAlerts.UIhideProgress(); uiAlerts.UIshowError("Sync fail please try again"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }).start();