Android Studio Tips/Tricks

This post simple contain the android studio tricks which I used.

#1 Case insensitive code completion.

This is the which I first enable on  the android studio. If you don't remember commands like me than it is for you, by enabling this you can get the required method or anything if you know part of it.

a.Open Setting from File-> settings
b. Go to code completion and set case sensitive to none
c. Now all set you can check the code completion just type and press ctrl+space

#2 Find methods which can be override and implemented.

I always want to know which are the methods provided by the base class that can be overridden.
To find the methods which can be overridden in android studio.

Just press CTRL+O
Now you have all the methods that can be overridden.

#3 Speed up android studio 

If android studio lags in your system. I mean only to the GUI. below is the trick which worked for me.
Go to settings -> appearance and set theme to windows and disable the animation. (this will give you a little speed however best option is to upgrade the RAM)

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